Twitter on Fedora Linux

I got tired of using my web browser for twittering, so I looked for some twitter applications for linux. A list of the best ones can be found in the Twitter Fan Wiki. I’ve tried a couple, but Twitux suited me best. It looks pretty good, runs under Gnome and supports gui-notifications.

To install Twitux on a Fedora machine change to root and yum install it:

su -
yum install twitux

That will get you the latest Twitux installed and listed in your Applications – Internet menu. One thing that I didn’t like about Twitux is that ugly dinosaur icon that it came with, so I started searching the net for how to change it. Here are the locations of twitux icons which can be swapped:


You have to be root to access those locations for writing. You can download a 48×48 Twitter PNG from in the Web 2.0 Icons post. And thanks to lopagof you can get an SVG from Don’t forget to logout and back in for your new icons to take effect.

I’m not sure about the task bar icon, cause I was able to change it just by right-clicking it in my Avant Window Navigator. GUI notifications still run that dinosaur icon though, so I turned it off :)

P.S. Follow me:

About the author

Konstantin Kovshenin

WordPress Core Contributor, ex-Automattician, public speaker and consultant, enjoying life in Moscow. I blog about tech, WordPress and DevOps.