Highcharts: Pure Javascript Charts API

I was working on a project lately that involved charts and graphs which had to be interactive, lightweight and somewhat complicated. I looked through quite a lot of different chart APIs, and for some time thought that I’d have to go with Open Flash Chart which is good and simple, but it was Flash. There’s nothing wrong with Flash, but Flash is what makes it more complicated to modify and extend. The standard OFC functionality seemed to work fine for me, but soon I came across Highcharts.

Highcharts: Pure Javascript Charts API

Highcharts is purely written in javascript and uses some advanced SVG to render the content. It’s quite impressive and very well documented. Chart control is all done via javascript, and all the options available make it very flexible and extensible. Since everything’s done in javascript it fits well with PHP without having to write tonnes of code or use some third-party library. The json_encode function comes in very handy when passing options from PHP to Highcharts.

Highcharts is free for personal use, commercial licenses start from $80, which is quite okay. Check out the Highcharts Demo page for some terrific usage examples. Happy charting and thanks for sharing!

About the author

Konstantin Kovshenin

WordPress Core Contributor, ex-Automattician, public speaker and consultant, enjoying life in Moscow. I blog about tech, WordPress and DevOps.