WordCamp Moscow 2016

I’m Konstantin Kovshenin, a WordPress core contributor, Systems Wrangler at Automattic, public speaker and consultant, enjoying life in the rainy UK. I blog about tech, WordPress and DevOps.

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Recent Blog Posts

Golden Gate Bridge

Had a moment today where I could leave my work and walk across the Golden Gate Bridge. It’s huge and amazing, and apparently, it can easily survive a serious earthquake.

Updating Plugins Feels Good

I have updated two plugins I wrote a long time ago, which haven’t been updated in years, and were not fully compatible with the recent versions of WordPress. It felt very good, especially since I managed to rewrite both plugins in only a few hours, and looking at my old code made me realize how much I have learned.
I feel like I should do this more often.

WordPress 3.5 Media Wireframes

Check out the Media Wireframes for WordPress 3.5 published in the make/ui blog, ready for some feedback. I’m really loving what the guys are doing, and when it gets implemented, it’ll make me want to use the visual editor again :)

Go Beyond Draft-Publish-Pending in WordPress

If Draft, Pending, and Publish don’t suit your needs, you can always add more with register_post_status, which will take care of pretty much everything, except the admin UI where you actually have to pick a post status. Ticket #12706 takes care of that, so feel free to try out the existing patches, and report back to Trac.

Write your own HTTP API wrapper

Write your own HTTP API wrapper that throws exceptions — come on, you’re a programmer, do what programmers do: make a personal, convoluted abstraction layer. :-) Andrew Nacin on WP_Error Which is a nice read on wp-hackers by the way, about how WP_Error is used and why it shouldn’t be replaced by PHP5 exceptions, which I never liked. If you’re really thinking of writing an HTTP...

Convert NextGen Galleries to WordPress Galleries

I was using NextGen Gallery for quite some time here on my blog, and it was all going well until WordPress introduced its own gallery shortcode, custom post types and more, which NextGen never adapted to. After migrating the blog a couple of times I was tired of all the conflicts, so I stopped using galleries, disable the plugin and lived happily even after, until… Until Jetpack Carousel...

WordPress Moscow Meetup #5

Our fifth WordPress Meetup in Moscow was quite a success, with 16 attendees and four short sessions, covering: P2, working with GlotPress, Lime Stripe and Pedigree Maker themes presentations and an overview of caching in WordPress. During the meetup we also launched our new Meetup P2 where we’ll be publishing all the photos, slides and everything else from the events. Take a hike, Facebook...