
Moscow Django Meetup

I’m not a huge fan of Django although Python is one of my favorite languages. Last week I heard about a Django Meetup happening in Moscow, so I decided to give it a go. It was fun, there were three speakers and around forty attendees, in a really nice venue. The three topics were PyCharm IDE, Continuous Integration and a different (and rather strange) approach at handling HTTP requests in...

Change the WordPress Core to Django

I couldn’t not post this tweet by Andrew Nacin. Seriously, why not change the WordPress core to Django? ;) Perhaps the author of the quote meant a Django-style templating engine, which is indeed cool and quite popular too. Oh well, that was a good laugh, thank you!

A Brief Introduction to Google App Engine

If you’ve been following my tweets you might have noticed that I’ve been running around Python and Django and Google App Engine for the last few weeks. Honestly, I fell in love with Python the second I wrote my first few lines of code, but it is not what this post is about. This post is about my short experience with App Engine. My first experience with App Engine was back in 2009...

Upgrading Django on Ubuntu Linux

As I wrote on Twitter a couple of times, I’ve been exploring the world of Django during the latest few weeks. I’m quite impressed with the framework, although there are some issues I’m not yet used to. This post is a short snippet for the Ubuntu users that are struggling with upgrading to the latest Django package. I’m not sure about other Linux distros, but the latest...