I was playing around with my Postfix configuration, trying to get a setup working with multiple different domains. My goal was to be able to use a different relay host and authentication, based on the sender’s address in the message. This turned out to be quite a simple solution — there’s a Postfix configuration setting called sender_dependent_relayhost_maps, which does exactly...
What the Queries
I’ve never been a fan of IDEs, complex debugging tools with breakpoints, variable watch lists and all that fancy stuff. var_dump() and print_r() have always been my best friends. Recently I was playing around with the caching arguments in WP_Query, trying to combine that with update_meta_cache() while sticking wp_suspend_cache_addition() somewhere there in the middle, and it quickly became...
How to: Disable HTTP Calls in WordPress
Sometimes you’re travelling on a plane or on a boat, in the metro or on the road. Sometimes you just have a crappy Internet connection, and you’ll notice that a local WordPress install (mostly admin pages) takes several seconds to load. That could create a big problem if you’re developing a theme or plugin, and have to refresh eighty times per minute. WordPress uses its HTTP API...
Native Image Sizing “On the Fly” with WordPress
I tweeted it out not too long ago, and it seems to have gotten people’s attention. So why do WordPress theme developers still use TimThumb? One of the valid reasons seems to be dynamic image sizing. Of course if you’re using TimThumb for post thumbnails in your theme, your life saver is the add_image_size function — you don’t need “dynamic resizing” since all...
How to Get the Current URL in WordPress
Here’s a quick tip! I was wandering around the web for the perfect solution to retrieve the current URL in a WordPress theme or plugin. I found a bunch of solutions for PHP, but not directly related to WordPress so I thought there has to be an easier way, and after a few hours of examining with global variables seems like I found it. global $wp; $current_url = add_query_arg( $wp...
Change the year of all posts in a particular category to 2012
Snippet! Change the year of all posts in a particular category to 2012 with a single SQL query (use with phpMyAdmin or the MySQL command line interface) UPDATE wp_posts AS p JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.object_id = p.id JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id JOIN wp_terms AS t ON tt.term_id = t.term_id SET p.post_date = REPLACE(p.post_date, YEAR(p...
Varnish and Preview Posts in WordPress
I wrote earlier that I started playing around with Varnish here on my site and that post has a little snippet that strips all incoming and outgoing cookies (except the admin of course.) Today I stumbled on a problem where I had no permission to preview a post I was drafting in WordPress and they all turned 404’s when I tried to. I first thought Varnish was stripping out the preview query...
Attachments Filename and Directory in WordPress
I was trying to figure out how to get the absolute directory of an attachment post in WordPress. Turns out there’s no easy function that can give you one, but there is one called wp_upload_dir which will give you an array of the upload directories and URLs. So here’s the secret sauce: $url = wp_get_attachment_url( $post_ID ); $uploads = wp_upload_dir(); $file_path = str_replace(...
Cleaner Titles in WordPress
Quick Tip! What happens when your post title does not fit on one line? It wraps to the second line. What if it’s only one word? And what if that word is “it” or some other shorty? Your title won’t look too nice, eh? Here’s a solution, somewhere inside the loop: $title = the_title( '<h2>', '</h2>', false ); if ( strlen( $title ) > 0 ) echo...
Post Formats in WordPress: Breaking Down Those Quotes
Here’s a function that would grab the contents HTML and parse out the first quote (blockquote element) together with it’s cite (usually the quote author) and the remaining text that comes after the quote. This is useful for when dealing with the quote post format in WordPress. function get_blockquote() { $dom = new DOMDocument; $dom->loadHTML( apply_filters( 'the_content'...