In a previous article about Custom Post Types in WordPress 3.0 I outlined one of the most exciting features coming up in 3.0 and I noticed that people have already started building websites upon these new features. It’s not a secret that I’m working on a project myself which involves 3.0 so just like everybody else, I can’t wait to see it being released!
Custom Post Types in WordPress 3.0
I know it’s too early to speak about WordPress 3.0, but I’ve been playing around with some of it’s enhancements the other week, and.. Well, this is a miracle, really. Remember all those plugins promising custom post types in versions prior to 3.0. Those that never get updated and show themselves glitchy sometimes, especially during upgrades? Well the time has come.
The Web Development Cycle Explained
If you’ve ever been to software development classes you probably already know about the software development cycle: Pre-alpha, Alpha, Beta, Release candidate (Gamma, Delta), Release to Marketing and finally, General Availability. Well it goes pretty much the same in the web development world, except that there are a few other parties involved in the whole process, and today, in the dynamic...
5 Really Useful Trac Reports
For those of you who are not familiar with the project management software called The Trac Project please proceed to the Trac Guide. I’ve been working with this project management tool for quite some time now and the latest upgrades are just awesome. I believe the solution for private projects’ RSS feeds has been found a few months ago somewhere here. The iCalendar issue remains, but...
WordPress: The wp_update_post Dates in Drafts
This one’s pretty tricky. If you’ve ever tried to update a post using the wp_update_post function with drafts or pending posts, you might have noticed that the post_date argument is ignored, instead the current date/time comes up. The post_date argument works only for published posts or during the publishing process. I looked into the WordPress core code, the wp_update_post function...
Adding mod_rewrite Rules to .htaccess in WordPress
This is all about the Twitter Friendly Links plugin I’ve been working on lately. You might have noticed some 404 issues in the comments section on the plugin page, this in most cases is due to caching fail. I wrote about this a while ago when I was working on W3 Total Cache compatibility where all I had to do is set the wp_query object’s is_404 variable to false. Then again, the other...
Linux Shell: Host to IP in Bulk
I’m very busy this week setting up a new router here at the office, but I do find some interesting stuff that might be somehow useful to you. Like this shell script I wrote a few hours ago that reads a text file with different hosts on each line (,, etc) and returns a new file with their resolved, i.e. ip addresses on each line. I’m not sure where you’d want...
Multiblog WordPress: Eeek! No Database Connection
I tried browsing to this morning and was pretty sure I’ll get the usual redirect, but no. I got an “Error establishing a database connection”. Right, it seems that is not defined in the wp-config.php file we created earlier this week (Multiple Sites Driven By One WordPress Installation Part II) so here’s a workaround (and we’re...
Powered by Delicious: Web Design, Coding & HTML5
This is my first “Powered by Delicious” post, but I plan on writing similar posts at least once a month or so, depending how many links I bookmark. Here’s a list of some of my latest delicious bookmarks, with goodies on web design, coding, html5, photoshop, javascript and a bunch of other stuff. The Most 10 Common Mistakes Web Designers Make | Noupe 50+ Top Free Icon Resources...