WordCamp Moscow 2016

I’m Konstantin Kovshenin, a WordPress core contributor, Systems Wrangler at Automattic, public speaker and consultant, enjoying life in the rainy UK. I blog about tech, WordPress and DevOps.

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Recent Blog Posts

Automattic Shares Revenue Numbers and Hires Execs

Automattic Grows Up: The Company Behind WordPress.com Shares Revenue Numbers and Hires Execs — a great article by Liz Gannes of AllThingsD. Liz covers some of the latest numbers, and some of the new hires. By the way, AllThingsD is running on WordPress.com too!

Jetpack 1.3 Released, now with Grunion Contact Forms

Jetpack 1.3 has been released, and it now ships with the Grunion Contact Forms plugin, the very same forms plugin that’s running (behind the scenes) on WordPress.com. The update fixes a couple of small bugs as well. You should be able to download it from your Dashboard very soon.

I started a blog about Theme Options

I started a blog about Theme Options, where I post screenshots and thoughts about options panels in free and premium WordPress themes. My ultimate goal is to get a collection of good and bad practices when dealing with theme options. Thanks for subscribing and feel free to submit your screenshots and thoughts!

Thoughts on “Too Much Escaping” in WordPress

While sanitizing and escaping everything is very important when dealing with websites, I think there are times when we need to back off a little bit, and trust the functions that have been given to us by WordPress. <a href="<?php echo esc_url( get_permalink( get_the_ID() ) ); ?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr( sprintf( __( 'Permanent Link to %s', 'domain' ), the_title_attribute( array(...

WordPress.com now with a REST API!

Tim Moore has recently announced the REST API for WordPress.com, which allows you to access the data available on WordPress.com blogs in many new and fun ways, as well build cool applications on top of the platform, leveraging even the latest “dot com” features, such as likes, follows and reblogs. You’ll absolutely love the Developer Console, which allows you to run real REST...

How to write a terrible WordPress tutorial

True, and here’s a related post I wrote earlier about Plugins vs. Without a Plugin. Still, we keep seeing such tutorials piling up everyday, even obvious ones like Google Analytics. Why would one want to go through the trouble of copying and pasting code into their theme’s header.php file, and then breaking everything when they change their theme or when the theme gets an update? Why...