WordCamp Moscow 2016

I’m Konstantin Kovshenin, a WordPress core contributor, Systems Wrangler at Automattic, public speaker and consultant, enjoying life in the rainy UK. I blog about tech, WordPress and DevOps.

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Recent Blog Posts

P2 for WordPress Gets an Update!

Not much has changed from the previous version. Perhaps the most exciting change is that you can now create todo lists, by adding an “o” or an “x” at the beginning of a new line. Cool huh? If you’re new to P2, don’t forget to read this article by Matt on why we use P2 at Automattic.

Default Custom Background for WordPress 3.4

Custom backgrounds are handled through add_theme_support since WordPress 3.4, and although you can add your custom callback to wp_head, you don’t need you. You can simply pass a default-image to add_theme_support for your custom background: add_theme_support( 'custom-background', array( 'default-image' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/default-background.png', ) ); The default...

Custom CSS Now with CSS3 Support on WordPress.com

Who said all WordPress.com blogs have to look the same? Who said you cannot customize your theme unless you’re running self-hosted WordPress? WordPress.com had the Custom Design upgrade for quite some time now, and now it’s suited and booted with CSS3 support: animation, gradients, shadows, transforms and a bunch of other stuff. You can even make your non-responsive theme into a...

How to: Disable HTTP Calls in WordPress

Sometimes you’re travelling on a plane or on a boat, in the metro or on the road. Sometimes you just have a crappy Internet connection, and you’ll notice that a local WordPress install (mostly admin pages) takes several seconds to load. That could create a big problem if you’re developing a theme or plugin, and have to refresh eighty times per minute. WordPress uses its HTTP API...

WordPress 3.4 is ready for beta testers!

WordPress 3.4 is ready for beta testers! Flexible header sizes, new XML-RPC API, a bunch of performance improvements, and my personal favorite — The Theme Customizer. Give it a shot, and don’t forget to report any bugs you encounter.

Companies I’ll Never Recommend to a Friend

Two more companies made it to my “will never recommend” list last week — Boingo Wireless and Skype. Boingo Wireless for providing the crappiest Internet connection I’ve ever experienced at Miami International Airport (MIA) and Heathrow Airport (LHR) in London. Ping times reached 10 seconds, packet loss reached over 30%. Skype for not providing a refund of the charged money...

The Future of CSS

If you’re familiar with Less CSS, SASS and others, you will absolutely love this one: The future of CSS. It seems to cover everything we’ve been missing so far. I’ve already started using More CSS in my next project and it’s looking very good so far!