WordCamp Moscow 2016

I’m Konstantin Kovshenin, a WordPress core contributor, Systems Wrangler at Automattic, public speaker and consultant, enjoying life in the rainy UK. I blog about tech, WordPress and DevOps.

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Recent Blog Posts

Daniel Bachhuber: The Zen of WordPress Development

Daniel Bachhuber of Automattic’s WordPress.com VIP team, gave this awesome talk at WordCamp Phoenix 2012 earlier this year. He walked through some things developers are overlooking when working with WordPress, and some great tips and tricks to speed up your development workflow. One thing I learned from that talk is that I should stop using Textmate’s “search in project”...

Native Image Sizing “On the Fly” with WordPress

I tweeted it out not too long ago, and it seems to have gotten people’s attention. So why do WordPress theme developers still use TimThumb? One of the valid reasons seems to be dynamic image sizing. Of course if you’re using TimThumb for post thumbnails in your theme, your life saver is the add_image_size function — you don’t need “dynamic resizing” since all...

Dear WordPress Theme Developers, Stop Using TimThumb

Just a reminder, since this weekend I had to help out with yet another TimThumb-powered WordPress theme, broken by a “security patch” at the web hosting provider. This time it was Acquisto by Press75. The problems of Acquisto are not limited to thumbnails.

Great Places to Work From: Local Time, Moscow

I wrote about my first experience working from a cafe some time ago, and I’ve been looking for other interesting spots throughout the week. A few friends of mine suggested a couple of places which were like coffee shops, but not really coffee shops. It’s difficult to explain, but the concept is the following: you pay a certain amount every minute you spend at this place, and the rest...

John Hawkins: Intro to Child Theming

It’s never too late to learn about child themes in WordPress, and in this video from WordCamp San Diego, John walks us through the very basics of child theming, overriding templates, overriding vs. pluggable functions and of course theme frameworks.

An Actual Retweet Button for Jetpack & Sharedaddy

I was thinking about this for quite some time now — an actual retweet button for WordPress, and I wonder why Twitter hasn’t provided one yet, it’s so obvious! Yes, the tweet button is doing a great job these days, but let’s admit, that we content publishers enjoy retweets more than regular tweets to our articles, because: They show your name and your Twitter avatar along...

Using Jetpack for E-mail Subscriptions in WordPress

You can find a bunch of “subscribe to posts” plugins in the WordPress.org directory but from my personal experience, it’s very difficult to find something as good and reliable as Jetpack. The major difference is behind the scenes — when most post subscription plugins will use the wp_mail function to distribute your new post (using sendmail from your server or an SMTP...

Working from a Cafe

Today was the first time I tried working from a cafe, not because I had no internet connectivity at home, though. I just decided I should give it a try. I didn’t have a huge variety of options where to go, since it’s quite cold outside and I didn’t want to spend all day in the metro either. I went to McDonald’s which is 5 minutes walk from where I live. I didn’t take...

Meet the WordPress MacBook Air

It probably voids warranty, but it’s so damn awesome! Here’s how in glows in the dark, and I think it looks terrific without any stickers :) Source: Matt on Not-WordPress.