WordCamp Moscow 2016

I’m Konstantin Kovshenin, a WordPress core contributor, Systems Wrangler at Automattic, public speaker and consultant, enjoying life in the rainy UK. I blog about tech, WordPress and DevOps.

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Recent Blog Posts

Foller.me Has Got a New Home: Google App Engine

That’s right, Google App Engine! For those of you who don’t remember, Foller.me is a Twitter app I wrote back in 2009. Honestly, I never realized back then that performance is an issue until the day I got featured on Mashable. More about it in a previous post. If you’re not familiar with Foller.me, I’ll explain it here in a couple of words: Foller.me is a web application...

Facebook Fans Count Using Python and the Graph API

I noticed some peeps struggling to show off their Facebook fans count on their websites using the Facebook API. I’ve shown before on how to do it in PHP, and this quick post is about Python. Honestly, you’ll laugh as soon as you read the following three lines of code: import facebook graph = facebook.GraphAPI() print "Mashable has %s fans" % graph.get_object('/mashable')['fan_count']...

Video: Google Developer Day Moscow 2010

Hurray, the video’s out! Damn I love when Google posts videos about their events, they’re always so exciting! Didn’t find myself anywhere in the shots, but I did find some of my friends. Not to keep you waiting any longer: Never knew barcode readers are able to parse data from an iPhone screen, that was amazing. For those of you who missed out my short review of the event:...

A Brief Introduction to Google App Engine

If you’ve been following my tweets you might have noticed that I’ve been running around Python and Django and Google App Engine for the last few weeks. Honestly, I fell in love with Python the second I wrote my first few lines of code, but it is not what this post is about. This post is about my short experience with App Engine. My first experience with App Engine was back in 2009...

Google Developer Day Moscow 2010

It’s been a good Friday last week, although I was a little bit late for the show. The event was held in Crocus City Hall in Moscow, which is quite wicked unless you drive there by car. Google Developer Day Moscow 2010, we all waited so long for it (one whole year actually) and it turned out to be… fascinating, as usual! Starting early morning we got some coffee (which I was late for)...

Meet me at Google Developer Day Moscow 2010

Google Developer Day Moscow 2010 is on it’s way (tomorrow, November 12), and yes, I received my invitation. It’s interesting to know that this year’s invitations included a barcode together with the registration number. It seems that Google was quite tight last year when 1000 invitations were sent out, and over 1500 people came to the event. This resulted in people standing on...

Amazon Web Services: Cloud Computing Free of Charge

Howly shmoly, just read the announcement of Amazon’s Free Usage Tier offering an EC2 micro instance free of charge for a whole year! Sounds cool, doesn’t it? Well let’s go back a few months and analyze the reason why I left Amazon in favor of Media Temple’s (ve) service: Amazon is way too expensive for a young geek like me, barely having the money to pay rent for my lousy...

Upgrading Django on Ubuntu Linux

As I wrote on Twitter a couple of times, I’ve been exploring the world of Django during the latest few weeks. I’m quite impressed with the framework, although there are some issues I’m not yet used to. This post is a short snippet for the Ubuntu users that are struggling with upgrading to the latest Django package. I’m not sure about other Linux distros, but the latest...

October Quickie: A Little Bit of Everything

Well yeah, it started snowing today here in Moscow, but this post is not about snow. I remember I’ve done some quickie before, but couldn’t find it. Perhaps it was something I mentioned inside the blog post with a different title. But anyways, this is a short roundup of what I’ve been up to lately. Let’s start with Python.. After reading a very popular book called...