WordCamp Moscow 2016

I’m Konstantin Kovshenin, a WordPress core contributor, Systems Wrangler at Automattic, public speaker and consultant, enjoying life in the rainy UK. I blog about tech, WordPress and DevOps.

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Recent Blog Posts

WordPress: Twitter Friendly Links Plugin. Stage Two

Missed the beta? No problemo! Just a flashback – the plugin transforms permalinks on your blog into short fancy links within your own domain name: into a short and Twitter friendly similar to what TinyURL does, remember? I’ve updated the plugin a couple of hours ago to version 0.2. The new key features are the “Twitter Stuff” form in your edit post page, with the shortlink...

Javascript in WordPress: 2 Functions 2 Save Your Day

I’ve introduced Javascript mode in the latest update of Quick Flickr Widget (1.2.7) for WordPress, and I just wanted to give you a short advice about handling javascript code in your WordPress plugins. The wp_enqueue_script WordPress function helps you add javascript code to your head section, so you don’t have to mess up with the header.php file. One of the frequently asked questions...

New WordPress Plugin: Twitter Friendly Links

So, you promote your blog posts via Twitter, huh? Me too. And those long blog post URLs, ugh! Yeah, we got rid of those using URL shortening services like TinyURL and tr.im but what about the name and/or brand? Your blog posts might be fab – very interesting to read and three thousand comments on each. But are you getting people to remember your website address in Twitter? No. Do you get...

Twitter: Promotion via Tweetmeme in WordPress

Howdy! As you may have noticed I’ve installed a Tweetmeme button in the Share section of each post. Basically, it’s just a retweet counter which lets you promote the current post via a retweet on Twitter. More info about Tweetmeme and how it works can be found on their website and the official Tweetmeme WordPress plugin page is here. Anyways, I found it a little bit nasty having only...

Internet Connection Sharing Via Wi-Fi On Fedora Linux

I was very tired yesterday evening, so I thought about tweeting through my iPhone while lying in bed. EDGE is pretty slow and expensive, and 3G hasn’t yet arrived in Moscow (military issues) so I decided to go with Wi-Fi. Good idea, huh? And it took me just a couple of hours to set the whole thing up. I’m running Fedora Linux 10 but you should’t have much trouble on other...

More on Robotics: AR-600 Moscow (March 2009)

Y’all know Russian, don’t you? Kidding.. The guys in the video talk about the development of robotics in Russia, why people are afraid of robots and why they shouldn’t be (the three laws of robotics by Asimov). This “thug” (AR-600) can now make some steps back and forth then side to side (though they don’t show them on this exhibition, cause it requires a...

Twitter: Just Another Way To Follow Nice People

Yeah I know there are loads of articles on following nice people on Twitter and getting followed back, but I found this method using WeFollow and TweetDeck very effective. And remember, in social media it’s not only about the quantity! Most of you heard about a Twitter directory called Twellow. Well, to me it’s kinda old and also annoying when you have to register and fill out your...

Quick Flickr Widget: Empowered by Thickbox

Finally, version 1.2.4 is public! Can you belive this? I managed to get Thickbox running with the widget! No, it wasn’t that difficult at all. Here are the two tricks: In the plugin init: $options = get_option("pluginname"); if ($options["thickbox"] == "checked") { wp_enqueue_script("thickbox"); add_action("wp_head", "pluginname_thickbox_inject", 10); } And the thickbox inject function:...

jQuery in WordPress: wp_enqueue_script

Did anybody notice the new sitemap I did for the blog? Top-right, in the black part. Click on sitemap. Smooth! For those of you who don’t know, that’s jQuery. Okay, seriously, this is my first ever jQuery script because I love Prototype. I don’t know why I did that, since I could have done it with Scriptaculous. So, about scripts in WordPress… You all heard about the...

Gone Mobile: SSH Terminal on Your iPhone

I was in a bus today in the morning standing in a traffic jam, when I suddenly got a call from my colleague Alex. He said that he messed up something in our database on my virual private server and didn’t know what to do because everything stopped working. Alex doesn’t know what SSH is and how to work with Putty so I had to figure this out all by myself and fast. Luckily I found...