
Google’s Halloween Doodles throughout the years

Mashable has posted Google’s Halloween Doodles throughout the years starting all the way back from 1999. Today’s doodle is definitely one of their best so far, then again, is it wise to put so much effort into a one day video? Happy Halloween everyone!

Google Nexus S

I’m now an owner of a brand new Google Nexus S phone. I’ve been running around with a Nexus One before and so far I don’t see much difference, other than that’s it’s a little bit faster and bigger. Just like the Nexus One model, Nexus S is not meant to be sold in Russia so I had to get it from an online store without warranty from Samsung. Oh well, hope it...

Using the Google Analytics API in WordPress

There’s a great article over at Theme.fm on Using the Google Analytics Data Feed API in WordPress which covers some pretty interesting techniques to grab and make use of data stored in your Google Analytics profile, like what are your top 10 posts this month, or what were the most searched ones, etc. I’ve authored that article so feel free to ask questions ;)

Google Webmaster Team on SEO

We’ve seen this a lot, keyword stuffing, the strong tag miss-used and of course the heading tags. I’m deeply sorry folks, but Google is right, for good and long term relationships with the search giant you should put all your effort into content. The rest is just good practice. And if you haven’t seen this yet, you should: Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide.

OS X Mail is Okay, but Google Mail is Better

Been running Mail for OS X for a few days last week. I decided to give it a go after seeing my friends use it and.. Oh well. It totally messed up both my personal and corporate accounts, flagging is broken, mark unread too because as soon as you delete one message the next one is automatically read. And I actually had one of our clients reply to my personal e-mail, I wonder how that happened...

A Google Web Fonts Gotcha

If you’re working with Google Web Fonts there’s something you should watch out for. I was working with one of my favorite fonts Open Sans and the 300 weight version looked perfect on my computer while too thin on my friend’s. I realized that I had the Open Sans font installed on my Mac, so disabling the font (or deleting it) helped me look at the website the same way my friend...

I'll be at Google Developer Day 2011

I can’t believe this is the first post I’m writing here in September. I really have to do something with myself and my time management and in my defense I can only say Theme.fm is doing pretty good, but okay, this post is not about WordPress. This post is about my favorite tech conference — Google Developer Day and this year will be my third year in a row in Moscow. I’m...

Meet Chromebook: Not Even a Desktop Background

You all know I’m a big fan of Google’s promotional videos, and here’s a really really nice one about their new Google Chromebook. Definitely one of the best promo video’s I’ve seen so far, and even better then Nexus One ;) I’m not a big fan of Chrome OS but I do use Chromium for work and play, and I really love the idea of having no software. Salesforce...

Snippet: Nofollow for Tag Cloud in WordPress

Tag clouds are good, but in a previous post called WordPress & Google Analytics: Tracking Your Tag Cloud I admitted that they’re not very useful, and especially for search engines — which is the topic I’ll discuss today. I’m not an SEO junkie or anything but I do have some knowledge of the basic rules, one of which is avoid duplicate content. Now fire up your blog...