I was very tired yesterday evening, so I thought about tweeting through my iPhone while lying in bed. EDGE is pretty slow and expensive, and 3G hasn’t yet arrived in Moscow (military issues) so I decided to go with Wi-Fi. Good idea, huh? And it took me just a couple of hours to set the whole thing up. I’m running Fedora Linux 10 but you should’t have much trouble on other...
Gone Mobile: SSH Terminal on Your iPhone
I was in a bus today in the morning standing in a traffic jam, when I suddenly got a call from my colleague Alex. He said that he messed up something in our database on my virual private server and didn’t know what to do because everything stopped working. Alex doesn’t know what SSH is and how to work with Putty so I had to figure this out all by myself and fast. Luckily I found...
Benchmarking: Your Web Hosting is Not That Perfect
Today I realized that the VPS I’m renting for $20/mo is not as good as it seemed at first. Ever thought about high loads? Okay, this may sound like some DDoS hacking tools, but no! 100 requests with 10 simultaneous made my virtual private server think for ~ 1,5 minutes. Jeez! It took me quite some time to find good software for running some load tests on my webserver, linux has some good...
Three Linux Commands You Can't Live Without
Okay, we’re not going to talk about the shutdown, yum, etc. commands, though THEY are probably the ones that nobody can live without. I’m talking about the web here, remember? And we all know that not everybody owns a VPS, a VDS or a dedicated server. Virtual hosting plans are quite cheap today, and most of them are tuned to provide you with SSH access and basic privileges (although I...
TweetDeck & Seesmic Desktop on Fedora 10
Hey just got TweetDeck running on my Fedora 10 Laptop. It took me about 20 minutes to figure this out, I just had some permission issues (error 5100). Go get the latest Adobe Air from the official Adobe Air website and save it somewhere. Then you’ll have to chmod +x the .bin file to be able to execute it. Run it using your root account – that should install Adobe Air and some...
Gnome Keyboard Shortcuts
… and the Super key. I don’t know if everybody knew about this trick already, but it seems that Gnome has got this bug, that doesn’t let you bind keyboard shortcuts with the Super (windows key) combination, except the Super key itself (alone). Anyways, the work-around is using the Gnome Configuration Editor and just type in the combination in text. Browse to /apps/metacity/...
Twitter on Fedora Linux
I got tired of using my web browser for twittering, so I looked for some twitter applications for linux. A list of the best ones can be found in the Twitter Fan Wiki. I’ve tried a couple, but Twitux suited me best. It looks pretty good, runs under Gnome and supports gui-notifications. To install Twitux on a Fedora machine change to root and yum install it: su - yum install twitux That will...
Fedora Linux 10 Partitioning
Okay, so I had my Fedora 10 system running out of disk space a few days ago, so I started looking for solutions to re-partition my hard drive. Yeah, GParted seemed like a good one, but it hasn’t got the power to resize currently mounted partitions, nor to run batch-scripts like Symantec Partition Magic (windows) does. The structure of my hard-drive looked something like this in the exact...