This is quite an unusual post I guess, something that came in to my mind a few days ago. If you’re familiar with my biography you know I’m in love with php, unix and the open source world. The reason I’m writing this post (or maybe set of posts) is that I found quite a good client, who’s very strict about technology, so the very basic website that they’re looking for... Got Coverage On Mashable!
The first thing I do when I wake up on an ordinary day is check my e-mail and Twitter, and today was an ordinary day until I met some strange messages regarding in my inbox. Why is everybody suddenly so interested? Turns out that this day is not ordinary at all. Yes, gets covered by Adam Ostrow at Mashable! The post became part of the Mashable’s Spark of Genius series via the...
Benchmarking: Your Web Hosting is Not That Perfect
Today I realized that the VPS I’m renting for $20/mo is not as good as it seemed at first. Ever thought about high loads? Okay, this may sound like some DDoS hacking tools, but no! 100 requests with 10 simultaneous made my virtual private server think for ~ 1,5 minutes. Jeez! It took me quite some time to find good software for running some load tests on my webserver, linux has some good...
Windows Live Writer
The Pro Web 2.0 Mashups book I wrote about earlier is going great and I finally got to the blogging chapters. Standalone blogging, yeah that was a news for me. I mean it is obvious that offline/standalone blogging is applicable to WordPress and other blogging systems, and that’s one of the main reasons why the XML-RPC protocol is supported by them, right? Well I just didn’t see the...