
Akismet Comment Spam Chart

I turned commenting off on articles older than 14 days a copule of months ago and here’s the impact shown by Akismet’s stats page. No wonder why I stopped receiving a bunch of “please moderate” e-mails every day.

Another Approach at Comment Spam

Yet another WordPress experiment, this time, it’s all about fighting spam! We all know and love Akismet but most of you will agree with me that some of those spammish comments still pass through. So how do we get rid of them? We can’t block all comments with links, they might be useful. We can’t block all comments containing spammish words, those spammish words might be the...

Removing Comments Author Links

Askimet (the anti-spam plugin for wordpress) is great, but when it comes to readers commenting posts and leaving backlinks to their sites, Askimet doesn’t count that as spam unless the message doesn’t look like one. Yeah, wordpress marks them with a ‘nofollow’ attribute, but search engines aren’t the worst case in this situation. It’s pretty good if readers...