Our fifth WordPress Meetup in Moscow was quite a success, with 16 attendees and four short sessions, covering: P2, working with GlotPress, Lime Stripe and Pedigree Maker themes presentations and an overview of caching in WordPress. During the meetup we also launched our new Meetup P2 where we’ll be publishing all the photos, slides and everything else from the events. Take a hike, Facebook...
Otto on Caching in WordPress
Otto describes why neither page caching, nor persistent object caching are part of the WordPress core, and why they probably never will be. The main reasons are the way WordPress is architected, and the way it is used by the majority. If you’re a person writing a blog that gets less than 1000 hits a day, caching ain’t going to do much for you. And my favorite, about why object cache...
WordPress as an Issue Tracker
With the recently updated P2 Resolved Posts plugin, your WordPress blog can now be a full-blown issue tracker, given that it’s running the awesome P2 Theme. You can see it in action on make.wordpress.org/systems, where red posts are unresolved issues, and green posts are resolved. Sidebar widgets can also help list all your current unresolved posts as well as recently resolved ones...
Don’t let friends start blogs NOT on WordPress
Friends don't let friends start blogs NOT on WordPress.
— Brian Gardner (@bgardner) July 18, 2012
But if friends already started a blog not on WordPress then friends should help friends migrate to WordPress using import plugins for self-hosted WordPress blogs, or the “Tools – Import” menu for WordPress.com blogs… Provided that you do have friends.
Meet the WordPress Honey Badger
I can’t believe I missed this awesome blog called WP Honey Badger. It has some sweet tips on how not to do stuff in WordPress, along with links to relevant articles and Codex entries. The blog is quite slow to load, but that’s probably because the WP Honey Badger “don’t give a shit” about good hosting.
Spotlight Search for WordPress: Proof of Concept
Wow, check out this "Spotlight" search for WordPress, proof of concept by @lessbloat. Awesome stuff!
— Konstantin Kovshenin (@kovshenin) July 17, 2012
How to Network Deactivate a WordPress Plugin
Duh! Hit “Network Deactivate” in the Network Admin, right? Yeah…. Next time, think twice before you Network Activate a WordPress plugin. It’s not too easy to deactivate it, while keeping it activated on blogs that actually use it. I wrote a little CLI script to activate a plugin of your choice on all blogs in a network: define( 'ABSPATH', '/path/to/wordpress/' ); require(...
Everyone is allowed to exist in WordPress
#wordpress believes there's room for everyone: current_user_can( 'exist' ) always returns true — scribu (@scribu) July 15, 2012 In fact, if you look at capabilities.php you’ll see that WordPress adds the “exist” capability after applying the filters to the original list of capabilities for the user, so it’s difficult to even hi-jack. Some might think the...
Disable Object Cache Addition/Invalidation in WordPress
You can temporarily disable object caching in WordPress‬ by calling: wp_suspend_cache_addition( true ); Ref. You can turn addition back on by passing false as the only argument. There’s a similar approach for object cache invalidation. However, there’s a big chance persistent object caching plugins won’t implement these functions like WordPress built-in object caching does, so...
The Jetpack Carousel
Galleries on self-hosted WordPress blogs have just become more awesome. The latest update to Jetpack brings the Carousel — a full-screen experience for your image galleries. I absolutely love how the carousel works with already existing galleries, doesn’t need its own shortcode or anything, and integrates well into the existing Settings – Media section. By the way, these photos...