
SEO Plugins and Themes will not do Magic

Pro tip! If your content sucks, SEO-friendly themes and plugins won't do magic. Stop wasting your money and start improving your content.
— Konstantin Kovshenin (@kovshenin) August 22, 2012

And when you’ve improved your content, take a look at the search engine optimization guidelines and make sure you’re not overdoing it ;) Thanks to everyone who retweeted this.

Don’t let friends start blogs NOT on WordPress

Friends don't let friends start blogs NOT on WordPress.
— Brian Gardner (@bgardner) July 18, 2012

But if friends already started a blog not on WordPress then friends should help friends migrate to WordPress using import plugins for self-hosted WordPress blogs, or the “Tools – Import” menu for blogs… Provided that you do have friends.

The only true way to test websites against IE6

The only true way to test websites against IE6 — Konstantin Kovshenin (@kovshenin) July 18, 2012 You can find IE6 usage stats on and always remember to direct your clients and customers to! What about you? Which software and tools do you use to test your markup, styles and scripts against IE 6 and other old versions of IE? Also...

Everyone is allowed to exist in WordPress

#wordpress believes there's room for everyone: current_user_can( 'exist' ) always returns true — scribu (@scribu) July 15, 2012 In fact, if you look at capabilities.php you’ll see that WordPress adds the “exist” capability after applying the filters to the original list of capabilities for the user, so it’s difficult to even hi-jack. Some might think the...

WordPress Event Organizers Contributor Group

New official contributor group! Calling all WordPress event organizers to join in the fun:
— WordPress (@WordPress) July 13, 2012

I’m really excited to see a new user group for organizers of WordCamps, meetups, hackathons and other WordPress events. Finally a place to share experience, and become a better organizer!

Easiest Way to Annoy Andrew Nacin

Easiest way to annoy @nacin: "When is WordPress moving to github?"
— scribu (@scribu) June 29, 2012

The answer is never. Here’s a git versionĀ of the repository synced with SVN every 15 minutes. Your pull requests will most likely be ignored. Enjoy! :)