Quitting Applications with Dvorak


I wrote earlier that I’ve been training myself on the Dvorak keyboard layout lately, so the fun part is that the Dvorak Q is right where the Qwerty X is and I’m a crazy user of shortcut keys, so there you have it! Can’t wait to make the full switch. By the way, I’m using this plugin to embed tweets.

About the author

Konstantin Kovshenin

WordPress Core Contributor, ex-Automattician, public speaker and consultant, enjoying life in Moscow. I blog about tech, WordPress and DevOps.


  • Are you using Dvorak fulltime or switching back and forth? I’ve given it a go a few times but always have way to much work to do and can’t take the hit to typing productivity. Unfortunately trading back and forth means I’m always thinking about typIng.

    I figure I’ll make the full switch during a week when I’m on vacation so the productivity isn’t an issue.

    • Curtis, I’m switching back and forth and productivity sometimes suffers. I tend to dedicate a couple of hours per day to socialize around the web in Dvorak. I switch to Qwerty when I need to code something fast or reply to an urgent e-mail. This comment was written in Dvorak ;)