WordCamp Moscow 2016

I’m Konstantin Kovshenin, a WordPress core contributor, Systems Wrangler at Automattic, public speaker and consultant, enjoying life in the rainy UK. I blog about tech, WordPress and DevOps.

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Recent Blog Posts

Default Post Thumbnails in WordPress

Justin Tadlock wrote about the right ways to add default post thumbnails to your WordPress themes. One method is to filter on post_thumbnail_html, and the second method is to simply use else with has_post_thumbnail. The second method is easier to understand, straightforward and future-proof. The filter in the first method would only work well when we need to change the markup of the thumbnail...

Moscow Django Meetup

I’m not a huge fan of Django although Python is one of my favorite languages. Last week I heard about a Django Meetup happening in Moscow, so I decided to give it a go. It was fun, there were three speakers and around forty attendees, in a really nice venue. The three topics were PyCharm IDE, Continuous Integration and a different (and rather strange) approach at handling HTTP requests in...

Plugin Licenses, Upsells and Add-Ons

Mika shared some interesting thoughts about Plugin Licenses, Upsells and Add-Ons. Take a look at the comments too, where Otto explains some of his ideas on using basic WordPress actions and filtres to activate/deactivate pro and free features.

Easiest Way to Annoy Andrew Nacin

Easiest way to annoy @nacin: "When is WordPress moving to github?"
— scribu (@scribu) June 29, 2012

The answer is never. Here’s a git version of the repository synced with SVN every 15 minutes. Your pull requests will most likely be ignored. Enjoy! :)

Help @Ipstenu go to WordCamp San Francisco

Wanna go to WordCamp San Francisco this year? Well guess what, you’re not the only one! Mika Epstein (better known as Ipstenu) wants to go there too. She’s been contributing to WordPress a lot, especially around the WordPress.org support forums, so why don’t you help her raise $1,000 for her trip to SF?

Helping WordPress Developers Develop

The brand new Developer Plugin has been revealed last night on the WordPress.com VIP blog. It’s a gate to some awesome developer tools and plugins for WordPress, including Debug Bar, Debug Bar Cron, Rewrite Rules Inspector and a bunch of others. Obviously more developer tools will be added with new releases.

On WordPress Theme Frameworks

I’m in a bad mood today, so I’m gonna do a little whining about WordPress theme frameworks, okay? Don’t be surprised if I delete this post in a day or two ;) I was reading this post on WPBeginner, where Syed writes that you can edit your theme’s header.php file, and add a stylesheet for a Google Font in your theme. Then he writes about “the right way” to do it...

The fourth WordPress Meetup in Moscow was held this Saturday

The fourth WordPress Meetup in Moscow was held this Saturday and was quite a success. We had fun conversations and discussions about internationalization and localization in WordPress. We talked about some of the cool stuff at WordPress.com and gave away some Custom Design upgrades. We talked about how non-standard things can be done with WordPress, even crazy stuff, like a search engine, and...