Upcoming Stream: Creating a Page Caching Plugin for WordPress from Scratch

Have you always wanted to write your own page caching plugin for WordPress? Probably not. In any case, I’ll be doing exactly that, tomorrow at around 9 UTC during a live broadcast on Twitch and YouTube. For educational purposes of course, as part of our WordPress training program at Koddr.io. I’ll be starting from scratch, with a stock WordPress site. I’ll briefly look at how...

Goodbye Automattic

You might have heard that I left Automattic. It’s true. It’s the best company I’ve ever worked at. And by far the longest. Almost 9 years! I’ll miss my friends an coworkers. I’m not leaving WordPress. In fact, my next impact will be around hosting for WordPress specifically, maybe WooCommerce, I’m not sure yet. It’s going to be a fun challenge. I’ll...

WordCamp Sofia 2016

Slides from my talk about memory management in WordPress from WordCamp Sofia 2016.

Memory Management in WordPress from Konstantin Kovshenin


As you may have heard, Automattic recently secured the rights to operate the sale and registration of .blog — a new top-level domain, which is currently in the Sunrise period, where trademark owners can apply. The Landrush period, where anyone can apply for their desired .blog domains, is scheduled for November 2nd, and public launch is expected on November 21st. However, a few select...

WordCamp Moscow 2016 Recap

WordCamp Moscow 2016 was held this weekend in the amazing Digital October Center. Fourteen speakers from Russia, Ukraine and Lithuania, two tracks with great content on design, programming, blogging, business and of course SEO. Huge props to Dmitry Mayorov for taking on the lead organizer role and making the best out of it. We had a little over 200 attendees this year, and the event was quite a...

What the Queries

I’ve never been a fan of IDEs, complex debugging tools with breakpoints, variable watch lists and all that fancy stuff. var_dump() and print_r() have always been my best friends. Recently I was playing around with the caching arguments in WP_Query, trying to combine that with update_meta_cache() while sticking wp_suspend_cache_addition() somewhere there in the middle, and it quickly became...

WordCamp Russia 2015 Recap

We did it. WordCamp Russia 2015 was held last weekend in the amazing Digital October Center in Moscow. Attendance didn’t change much from last year — we saw about 200 people in person, but a lot of them (~ 60%) were folks who never attended a WordCamp before. The attendees survey showed great results, pretty much in line with last year and with what we expected overall. The pizza was...

WordCamp Russia 2015

Slides from “7 WordPress Performance Killers” / WordCamp Russia 2015

7 убийц производительности WordPress from Konstantin Kovshenin

Работа с WP_Cron
Transients API
TLC Transients
ab / Apache Bench