I’m very glad to announce that the Twitter Friendly Links video I did a couple of days ago is now hosted at WordPress.tv! Big shout out to Michael who uploaded the video in HQ – thanks Mike! There’s been a plugin update a few hours ago – 0.3.1. I managed to suit Twitter Friendly Links to blogs that run WordPress in a different directory. Also got a report that it...
Video: Twitter Friendly Links for WordPress
This is my first ever video. Make sure you watch it in HQ ;) Comments are welcome! Also, if you liked the plugin you could embed this video in your own blog. I’d really appreciate that!
WordPress: Twitter Friendly Links Plugin. Stage Two
Missed the beta? No problemo! Just a flashback – the plugin transforms permalinks on your blog into short fancy links within your own domain name: into a short and Twitter friendly similar to what TinyURL does, remember? I’ve updated the plugin a couple of hours ago to version 0.2. The new key features are the “Twitter Stuff” form in your edit post page, with the shortlink...
Javascript in WordPress: 2 Functions 2 Save Your Day
I’ve introduced Javascript mode in the latest update of Quick Flickr Widget (1.2.7) for WordPress, and I just wanted to give you a short advice about handling javascript code in your WordPress plugins. The wp_enqueue_script WordPress function helps you add javascript code to your head section, so you don’t have to mess up with the header.php file. One of the frequently asked questions...
New WordPress Plugin: Twitter Friendly Links
So, you promote your blog posts via Twitter, huh? Me too. And those long blog post URLs, ugh! Yeah, we got rid of those using URL shortening services like TinyURL and tr.im but what about the name and/or brand? Your blog posts might be fab – very interesting to read and three thousand comments on each. But are you getting people to remember your website address in Twitter? No. Do you get...
Twitter: Promotion via Tweetmeme in WordPress
Howdy! As you may have noticed I’ve installed a Tweetmeme button in the Share section of each post. Basically, it’s just a retweet counter which lets you promote the current post via a retweet on Twitter. More info about Tweetmeme and how it works can be found on their website and the official Tweetmeme WordPress plugin page is here. Anyways, I found it a little bit nasty having only...
Quick Flickr Widget: Empowered by Thickbox
Finally, version 1.2.4 is public! Can you belive this? I managed to get Thickbox running with the widget! No, it wasn’t that difficult at all. Here are the two tricks: In the plugin init: $options = get_option("pluginname"); if ($options["thickbox"] == "checked") { wp_enqueue_script("thickbox"); add_action("wp_head", "pluginname_thickbox_inject", 10); } And the thickbox inject function:...
Quick Flickr Widget and the Flickr API Services
Hope you remember the Quick Flickr Widget plugin for WordPress. Well, since version 1.2 I’ve changed the way it works. Prior to 1.2, as Donncha suggested in his Flickr plugin, I used a public Flickr RSS feed to display the items, using WordPress’ RSS functions to move around the feed. Anyways I thought that I couldn’t take the plugin far enough, so I decided to use the Flickr...
The WP-Custom plugin. What's it all about?
You heard the news! My WP-Custom plugin got WordPress.org hosting approval a few days ago. So I finally uploaded it into their plugins repo and already got some positive feedback on Twitter and IM. Anyways, some still can’t figure out what I made the plugin for, so here’s some explenation. I assume that you’ve read the plugin description on the wordpress.org website or the...
Give WordPress the iPhone Look: wpTouch Plugin
I don’t want to talk much about the wpTouch plugin, cause it’s all well documented over here. I’m writing this post for those of you who are afraid to make the first step to the terrific handheld view. Yeah, iPhone has got the Safari browser which can show my page just as it is shown on PC, and it even executes javascript! That’s the main reason why people don’t...