WordCamp Moscow 2016

I’m Konstantin Kovshenin, a WordPress core contributor, Systems Wrangler at Automattic, public speaker and consultant, enjoying life in the rainy UK. I blog about tech, WordPress and DevOps.

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Recent Blog Posts

How to: Disable Jetpack Subscriptions Notifications

It’s more difficult to keep this in mind, than it is to actually execute it. Sometimes we (content creators) want to publish content to see how it feeds to our Twitter or Facebook accounts, or to see how it turns up in the RSS feed, so what we usually do is publish a “test” post and delete it afterwards (together with the tweet and Facebook post.) However, sent e-mails cannot be...

Gnome 3: An Alternative to Unity in Ubuntu 11.10

My wife has got a Sony Vaio netbook, which we bought a year ago. The whole point was to get a lightweight laptop for Internet access, e-mail and documents, so no development VMs or gaming station. The operating system chosen was Ubuntu, at that time it shipped with Gnome. However, due to some (relatively) recent updates to Ubuntu (as of version 11.04) it ships with Unity, and as of 11.10, they...

Changing the Default Theme in WordPress Multisite

It’s important for a network (WordPress Multisite) to have a valid default theme for newly created sites. The current version sets this to twentyeleven in default-constants.php. If your default theme isn’t installed or disabled network-wide, you might face some errors when creating new sites in the network. You can define WP_DEFAULT_THEME in your wp-config.php file.

WordPress Weekly Recap, March 16

Time for WordPress Weekly Recap! The first WordPress Meetup in Moscow was held ond Monday morning, next one is planned for April. Posterous was acquired by Twitter, users flee to WordPress.com and self-hosted blogs, yey! My brother Gennady crafted a pingback attack which he was able to use to bring my blog down, ouch! Jane’s Jitterbug Bakery was funded with over 200 backers and $17,000...

Posterous Joins Twitter. Customers Join WordPress

Even though there’s no reblog feature on self-hosted WordPress blogs, I absolutely have to reblog this: Reblogged from WordPress.com News It’s been just over two years since we first launched our Posterous importer and I never could have predicted how the blogging space would evolve so quickly in that time. As you may have seen in the news today, the Posterous team is joining Twitter, which...

Join the WordPress Moscow Meetup Group

If you’re in Moscow and use WordPress, join the WordPress Moscow Meetup Group on Facebook. Everybody’s welcome: bloggers, developers, designers, photographer, journalists, writers, content managers, entrepreneurs and anybody who’s using (our would like to use) WordPress. Our next meetup is sometime in April.

Tip: esc_url versus esc_url_raw

This tweet gained some good attention on Twitter, so I thought it would be good to explain why. Then I found a support forums thread where Mark Jaquith pretty much explains it all: esc_url() is for something like <a href="SANITIZE_THIS">text</a> So if you’re going to use the URL in your HTML output, like a href attribute for a link, or a src attribute for an image element, you...

WordPress Moscow Meetup — March 2012

Today was awesome! Okay, not that awesome, but good enough for the first WordPress meetup in Moscow, and I’m glad we made this. I first announced the meetup February 23rd which was three weeks ago and said it would be sometime in March. It took me a quite some time to find a venue and as I posted later, I finally did. We gathered at 10 am and obviously some were early, some came in late. We...

WordPress Weekly Issue #1

Everybody’s doing roundups, and so am I. WordPress Weekly issue #1! Jane opened a ticket to add meta description to core, Joost de Valk is not happy. Theme Customizer in 3.4 is looking good. Ryan Imel of WPCandy interviews John James Jacoby on BuddyPress, bbPress and social. Theme.fm seems to be back, with a post about some plugins essential for your WordPress themes. There’s a bunch...