WordCamp Moscow 2016

I’m Konstantin Kovshenin, a WordPress core contributor, Systems Wrangler at Automattic, public speaker and consultant, enjoying life in the rainy UK. I blog about tech, WordPress and DevOps.

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Recent Blog Posts

Minimal Georgia Gets an Update: Post Formats & More

Minimal Georgia for WordPress was introduced a couple of weeks ago, and today there’s over 2000 downloads! I know this doesn’t mean that all 2000 are using the theme, but they at least had a look, which is okay for my first ever WordPress theme ;) The new (1.4.1) version has got some major updates and improvements. The most exciting are definitely post formats (audio, video, gallery...

Feeding My Mind with Feedly for Android

A few weeks ago Feedly for Android was released, first in beta, then in the Android Market. I’ve been running around with it for a few days now and today I’d like to tell you about it. If you’re here for the short story, three words — I love it! I’ve been using Feedly ever since it became popular I guess. Bugs, glitches, but okay, it was a cool interface on top of...

Introducing Minimal Georgia for WordPress

Hurray! My first ever public theme has been approved and aired at the WordPress Themes Directory! So I’ll start off with a little background, making-of, submitting the theme and of course the reviewing process. From start to finish — getting your theme to the WordPress directory ;) But first, a few screenshots of Minimal Georgia! Isn’t it lovely? There’s a red, blue...

Interview at WordCast Conversations

After quite a long delay we’ve finally got to launch the interview together with @kymhuynh at WordCast Conversations. Listened to it a couple of times, seems like I said the words “complex” and “complicated” three thousand times, but Kym said it was okay ;) Kym Huynh talks with Konstantin Kovshenin about his work with robotics and his passion for WordPress, WordPress...

Remove the Admin Bar in WordPress

Note to self.. Seen people talk about it. Seen people hack it. Seen people get crazy about it. The best (and only) way is: add_filter( 'show_admin_bar', '__return_false' ); And if you’d like only Administrators (or Editors) to see it, but not regular users, with one slight modification: if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_posts' ) ) add_filter( 'show_admin_bar', '__return_false' ); Okay, all...

How To: Show Off Your Social Counters in WordPress

You know it’s all about social these days, and this post is about showing off how social you are on your WordPress website. I’m sure you’re using tonnes of social networks and all of them have friends, followers, fans and subscribers metrics, but let’s start from simple: Twitter, Facebook and RSS. We’ll write code in this post, and you may ask me why. Of course there...

Every Keyboard Needs A Share Button

I thought of this idea a few days ago and tweeted it out loud too. Today I’m taking it forward and introducing it to you, my dear readers — a brand new keyboard with a share key, conceptually of course. Social media has exploded in the past few years, and what is social media without the ability to share stuff? Blog posts, videos, photos, whatever. Thousands of plugins, widgets and...

Snippet: Using jQuery 1.5 in WordPress

Yes! jQuery 1.5 was released and I’m sure some of you can’t wait to start using it in their WordPress themes and plugins. So, with a few filters magic, we can get jQuery 1.5 up and running. Add the following code to your theme’s function.php file: add_filter( 'script_loader_src', 'my_script_loader_src', 10, 2 ); function my_script_loader_src( $src, $handle ) { if ( $handle ==...

Snippet: A "Feed Only" Shortcode for WordPress

This might be valuable for banner ads, pitches to get people on to your website rather than simply reading stuff in their RSS feeds. You can address your RSS subscribers differently in each and every post, just by using this WordPress shortcode trick! I’m not and ad-guy myself and I don’t care much if people read my feed or browse my website, as long as they’re reading my...

Generating Easy To Remember Yet Secure Passwords

I had some Twitter conversations about passwords lately, and long and boring discussions with my friends and co-workers. It turns out that no matter how many security articles and books are published about passwords, people tend to follow a very, very insecure method of picking them up and memorizing them. In this post I’ll try to demonstrate a brand new theory (or maybe not so new) of...