WordCamp Moscow 2016

I’m Konstantin Kovshenin, a WordPress core contributor, Systems Wrangler at Automattic, public speaker and consultant, enjoying life in the rainy UK. I blog about tech, WordPress and DevOps.

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Recent Blog Posts

Samsung Galaxy Ace: Getting the Android Market to Work in Turkey & More

So, how disappointed would you be to find out that your Android phone doesn’t have the Android Market? It’s crazy isn’t it? It’s like iPhone without the App Store, and doesn’t really matter what alternatives there are, because there’s nothing better than the real Market in Android. And this post isn’t related to Turkey only, I guess it works for any other...

Woot! Zendesk Rolls Out Their WordPress Plugin!

When it comes to customer support, the first thing that pops into my mind is Zendesk — a web-based helpdesk software. And trust me, it’s difficult to find anything better than that, proof is the list of their clients — Twitter, Tumblr, Groupon, Rackspace and more. I’ve been playing around with Zendesk for quite a while now, and planning a full-blown customization usage on...

Themes Weekly: Blogitty — A Magazine & Blog Theme

I loved Blogitty the first second I saw it and @cosmothemes have clearly done a good job at this one — clean and easy to understand layout, awesome built-in widgets, social tools and of course things you’ll normally find in a good premium theme: custom shortcodes, typography, layout changes, colors and styles, page templates and a pseudo-portfolio page done with the standard WordPress...

Digital Memories into Real Life with Printsgram

Today I’m here to tell you about a startup, launched by some friends of mine in Istanbul a couple of weeks ago, called Printsgram. I’m a fan of “digital” myself and I like to keep things that way — no CDs, DVDs, long-term papers and photo albums in my house, especially after the move last weekend (which was terrible). Even hard drives and flash drives don’t...

Restore A Subversion Repository From Backup Files

This is a quickie and yeh, I don’t like Subversion either, and if you’re still using that consider Git or Mercurial. Anyways, I had an old Subversion server where four SVN repositories were hosted for quite some time and a few days ago I decided to nuke that in order to reduce our costs. Thank god I created a simple tar -czf of the whole directory and I know it’s not the correct...

GPL Freebies: Simple & Social Icon Set (Part 2)

I hope you all got the first part of this icon set, but even if you didn’t don’t worry, this is just an extension to that set that includes Technorati, Yahoo, Github, MySpace, Vimeo and others. And just like the first set, released under the GNU General Public License v2 — use this for any personal and commercial projects. No attribution required (although appreciated), feel...

Meet Chromebook: Not Even a Desktop Background

You all know I’m a big fan of Google’s promotional videos, and here’s a really really nice one about their new Google Chromebook. Definitely one of the best promo video’s I’ve seen so far, and even better then Nexus One ;) I’m not a big fan of Chrome OS but I do use Chromium for work and play, and I really love the idea of having no software. Salesforce...

Themes Weekly: Continuum for WordPress

Released only a few weeks ago, the Continuum Magazine Theme is doing quite well on Themeforest with two updates already published which means a lot in terms of support. The theme is optimized for WordPress 3.0+ and claims to be working out of the box, although still over 150 options to play around with for customization-crazy people ;) Suitable for magazines and blogs, gaming and music websites...

How To: List Filters That You Are About to Apply

I was working on a project where I had to find out all the registered filters that I was about to apply, so here’s a WordPress quickie for you! I found this out by inspecting the apply_filters function inside the plugin.php core file, and apparently there’s a $wp_filter global that contains them all in an associative array where keys are tags. So by doing a print_r at a certain time...

An Almost Smooth Upgrade to Ubuntu Linux 11.04

Right, we all heard it! Ubuntu 11.04 is out, with the new Unity bundled. I was excited to hear the news and I rushed to run the upgrade on my PC at work, which luckily has an Nvidia graphics card. I can’t believe the upgrade took so long (around two hours) but in the end, seems like it was worthed. Welcome to Unity, thought I.. Yeah, it was nice and shiny, smooth and all y’know...