
Companies I’ll Never Recommend to a Friend

Two more companies made it to my “will never recommend” list last week — Boingo Wireless and Skype. Boingo Wireless for providing the crappiest Internet connection I’ve ever experienced at Miami International Airport (MIA) and Heathrow Airport (LHR) in London. Ping times reached 10 seconds, packet loss reached over 30%. Skype for not providing a refund of the charged money...

Konstantin is Cowboy Coding

For those of you not familiar with the Pink Sombrero, you should read the Cowboy Coding and Pink Sombrero and watch Mark Jaquith’s talk about Scaling, Servers and Deploys. And no, I wasn’t actually cowboy coding in Playa del Carmen and Tulum, but honestly, I sometimes am.

Team Meetup in Playa del Carmen

You might be wondering why there haven’t been much posts here lately, well that’s the bad news. The good news is that I’m at a team meetup in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. It took me 20 hours to get here, from Moscow to London to Miami to Cancun, but it was totally worth the effort! The weather is super awesome, especially compared to Moscow at this time of the year, and the best...

WordPress Weekly Recap, March 23

It’s Friday and it’s time for a WordPress Weekly recap! rolled out four new themes this week, one of which is San Kloud, which is exciting news for, who by the way, launched their new theme store earlier this week as well. Emil Uzelac launched a free theme called Responsive. You don’t see much CMS-type themes in the repository, so this is exciting, and...

WordPress Weekly Recap, March 16

Time for WordPress Weekly Recap! The first WordPress Meetup in Moscow was held ond Monday morning, next one is planned for April. Posterous was acquired by Twitter, users flee to and self-hosted blogs, yey! My brother Gennady crafted a pingback attack which he was able to use to bring my blog down, ouch! Jane’s Jitterbug Bakery was funded with over 200 backers and $17,000...

WordPress Weekly Issue #1

Everybody’s doing roundups, and so am I. WordPress Weekly issue #1! Jane opened a ticket to add meta description to core, Joost de Valk is not happy. Theme Customizer in 3.4 is looking good. Ryan Imel of WPCandy interviews John James Jacoby on BuddyPress, bbPress and social. seems to be back, with a post about some plugins essential for your WordPress themes. There’s a bunch...

I Turned 23 Today

I turned 23 today, it doesn’t feel too much different from last year. I have gone through a lot of (mostly) good things, the most wonderful of which was my marriage in December. Let’s see what happens next, I’m quite excited!

Akismet Comment Spam Chart

I turned commenting off on articles older than 14 days a copule of months ago and here’s the impact shown by Akismet’s stats page. No wonder why I stopped receiving a bunch of “please moderate” e-mails every day.

Learning Dvorak

As some of you might have noticed on Twitter and Facebook, I recently started learning a new keyboard layout called Dvorak Simplified Keyboard Layout, so I decided to share a couple of links that inspired me. The Dvorak Zine uses comics to explain the history and promote the layout. They also have a Dvorak typing course. Matt Mullenweg’s On the Dvorak Keyboard Layout (written back in 2003)...

Change the year of all posts in a particular category to 2012

Snippet! Change the year of all posts in a particular category to 2012 with a single SQL query (use with phpMyAdmin or the MySQL command line interface) UPDATE wp_posts AS p JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.object_id = JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id JOIN wp_terms AS t ON tt.term_id = t.term_id SET p.post_date = REPLACE(p.post_date, YEAR(p...